The Stroud Preserve, 23 March 2014
/Last season many people were interested in the Wilson's Snipe that I saw at the Stroud Preserve. Some were able to find them and others were not so lucky. Today there were at least 14 Wilson's Snipe in plain view. In the photo above Zeke, my trusty spotting scope, is set on the location of said birds. I got excellent views of the snipe through the scope from this position. I also got good view with just my binoculars. So, if there are people out there that are still looking for good looks of snipe now is a great time to visit the preserve. Also with them were at least 14 Killdeers.
Paddy, William and Charlie
I have a lower species count compared to yesterday mainly because of the crew I brought along with me today. I always say that the best way not to see animals in nature is to bring one with you. Today I brought three, Charlie our dog, and my sons William and Paddy.
Start time: 11:27
End time: 1:00
Temp: 36-40º
Wind: 8 mph from the NW
Skies: overcast
Species Total: 26
- Black Vulture – approximately 15
- Turkey Vulture – approximately 15
- Canada Goose – approximately 100
- Mallard – 4
- Green-winged Teal – 6
- Red-tailed Hawk – 2
- American Kestrel – 1
- Killdeer – 14
- Wilson's Snipe – 14
- Mourning Dove – 5
- Red-bellied Woodpecker – 2
- Downy Woodpecker – 1
- Northern Flicker – 1
- Blue Jay – 3
- American Crow – approximately 10
- Tree Swallow – approximately 30
- Carolina Chickadee – approximately 10
- White-breasted Nuthatch – 2
- Eastern Bluebird – approximately 35
- American Robin – approximately 30
- Northern Mockingbird – 2
- European Starling – approximately 25
- Song Sparrow – 2
- Dark-eyed Junco – 1
- Northern Cardinal – 5
- Red-winged Blackbird – approximately 15