The Stroud Preserve, 9 May 2013
/Purple cliffbreak Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link 9 May 2013, Stroud Preserve, West Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
Today I spent the majority of my time focused on plants with preserve manager Fred Gender. I could have probably tallied more birds for the day list if I looked up more often, but I can’t complain about that today. I did manage to get one new bird for the year. Finally, after nineteen months after moving back to the east coast and many hours of fruitless searching I heard, the got extended looks at a Louisiana Waterthrush!
The waterthrush was in one of the smaller streams that drain off one of the hillsides in the preserve. Specifically, the stream along the “green” trail (I’ve started calling it green creek). It is probably the best creek in terms of a wooded stream with a completely covered tree canopy. It is perfect place to see a Louisiana Waterthrush.
Here is everything else. I didn’t really pay much attention to numbers today so unless otherwise noted and “x” will have to do.
Start time: 9:10
End time: 3:00
Temp: 63-68°
Wind: 3-7 mph from the east and south
Skies: overcast, with occasional sunbreaks
Species Total: 53
- Black Vulture – X
- Turkey Vulture – X
- Canada Goose – X
- Red-tailed Hawk – X
- Mourning Dove – X
- Chimney Swift – X
- Belted Kingfisher – 1
- Red-bellied Woodpecker – X
- Downy Woodpecker – X
- Northern Flicker – X
- Eastern Phoebe – X
- Eastern Kingbird – 1
- White-eyed Vireo – X
- Warbling Vireo – X
- Blue Jay – X
- American Crow – X
- Fish Crow – 2
- Tree Swallow – X
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow – X
- Barn Swallow – X
- Carolina Chickadee – X
- Tufted Titmouse – X
- White-breasted Nuthatch – X
- Carolina Wren – X
- House Wren – X
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – X
- Eastern Bluebird – X
- Wood Thrush – X, heard only
- American Robin – X
- Gray Catbird – X
- Northern Mockingbird – X
- Brown Thrasher – X
- European Starling – X
- Northern Parula – 3
- Yellow Warbler – X
- Yellow-rumped Warbler – 1, heard only
- Black-thraoted Green Warbler – 2, heard only
- Prairie Warbler – 1, heard only
- Black-and-white Warbler – 1, heard only
- Ovenbird – 1, heard only
- Louisiana Waterthrush – 1, FOY, Bird of the Day!
- Common Yellowthroat – X
- Eastern Towhee – X
- Chipping Sparrow – 1
- Field Sparrow – X
- Song Sparrow – X
- Northern Cardinal – X
- Bobolink – 5, as with the past two visit, these birds were not in the usual field but in the larger field on the south side of the preserve.
- Red-winged Blackbird – X
- Brown-headed Cowbird – X
- Orchard Oriole – X
- Baltimore Oriole – X
- American Goldfinch – X