Aquatic Vegetation


Yesterday Mary, who was at the Jersey shore, called and said that our neighbor Miranda texted her and said that a wind storm blew a tree over in their back yard. I told Mary that I was not at home but on my bike. She asked if it was storm where I was but to be honest I couldn't hear her very well over the wind. Then I noticed that I was doing well over 20 mph going up a slight incline. If there was a storm, then the tailwind was doing me right! I was a bit worried over the darkening skies but there was nothing I could do but to keep pedaling. It began to rain quite heavily right as I got into West Chester. So my last 10 minutes on the bike were wet minutes.  

This morning we saw that it was a fairly large tree and it had fallen along side their pool! I told Damian that I thought reflecting ponds looked better if the vegetation were water lilies. See more photos here